Good day!
I am in Tacoma and have a garage full of electric motorcycle, Kart and Ebike stuff. I have been building and racing Zeros for some time now and would like to team up with someone local who is looking to advance the level of electric motorcycle enthusiasm in this area.
A few projects on the bench now are an electric drag bike using Zero powertrain parts, a dual Size4 supermoto, Zero powertrain ex-shifter Kart, ultralight aircraft powertrain and more. I have alot of brushed goodies too.
My dilema is time/money. Parts are something I have plenty of.
A team effort can bring more of both to the table. I am looking for someone who understands, in detail, the function of all the components in Zeros and other modern EVs such as the Leaf or Prius, can fabricate somewhat and has a nack for coming up with GOOD new ideas to make things work better. Someone with a competitive edge that loves racing and winning.
This post is to reach out and see if there is someone sitting in their garage building stuff wishing there was someone else out there to share the love for EVs. Its not an offer for employment, just looking to team up and build some amazing things.
Gimme a call, 253-565-9823