My bone-stock 2014 SR does the same thing, if not to that degree. I'll often get to work, the meter will read, say, 72%, then when I go out for lunch it'll have changed to, say, 69%. I'm pretty sure it's related to temperature. Putting a number on a battery's "state of charge" is nearly as much art as science; it depends on temperature, load, battery age, etc.
Mine might change more than it does at low SoC if I did the same thing you describe, but I'm pretty paranoid about taking care of my battery, so I rarely let it drop below 30%, and I immediately put it on the juice when it does.
The BMS probably does some calibration-type activities when the system is new. A battery pack's nominal capacity is only a nominal value, and the BMS probably determines the exact capacity of the battery over the first few charge/discharge cycles. It's a bit tricky, since cell voltage is dependent on time since charging, temperature, load, etc., so it might take a few cycles for the BMS to really zero in on the best possible approximation.