I had a bit of a scare yesterday. My bike is in winter storage in the garage (no heat). Here in Ontario, it's been around -15c lately, and I've been making a habit of checking on the bike every week to make sure it's still charged and doing well. I went out last night and found the green dash light to be off, and the BMS was rapidly blinking 1 red light. I tried unplugging and plugging the bike back in, but got nothing. Called Zero and they recommended moving the bike to somewhere warmer. Unfortunately there are stairs to go up for every door to the house. I brought a space heater out to the garage and faced it about 1 foot away from the battery. After an hour I tried plugging the bike in and the green charging light flashed 3 times, then tripped the breaker. The good news is that means the bike is drawing power! I had to leave for work so I unplugged the heater, reset the breaker, and plugged the bike back in. We will see what I come home to in the morning, but hopefully no permanent damage was done to the battery. Zero wants me to send them the logs tomorrow, although the logs you can send from your phone don't include the battery logs apparently. FYI - I have a 2013 Zero S 11.4. The Zero rep also told me that this issue with cold weather storage was corrected in a firmware update that came out October 2014. I guess I didn't get the memo...
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