When my temp sensor was failed - I was going into a Limp like mode, maximum speed I could maintain fell, and fell and fell until it was barely rolling over the course of about 1/2 mile - much longer than a mere "coast" from an outright stall. A few minutes stopped and off and then I could go again with the problem quickly returning. The length of the ride to trigger either got shorter and shorter or the weather got warmer and warmer... but the bike was unusable.
Support and I did chase an underseated wire in the "motor connector" which is interesting to take apart, but was not a resolution to the problem. But might be for yours... see photo for location and look.
The theory for mine was that the Temp sensor was sending a bad signal triggering thermal shutdown, but without triggering the dash warning at about 120 actual degrees due to out of range calibration of the thermistor.
Symptom identified in logs as thermistor reading of 199.9999 almost all the time, and the big clue was the Android application values for the engine never really even matching ambient temp at beginning of drive.
Eventually my bike stopped booting altogether and was remedied, after standard Zero service delays over April and May, with a replaced engine under warranty.