Example motor efficiency plot for an unspecified
Parker GVM traction motor, similar to the one used in the Brammo Empulse

The vast majority of this plot shows very good efficiency, 93-96%. There are two regions where efficiency falls off:
1. Very low RPM, high motor torque. At very low RPM - such as accelerating from a stop - accelerating slowly is more efficient (say 40% peak motor torque = averages about 90% efficiency up to 1000 RPM) than accelerating wide-open (100% motor torque = averages maybe 75% efficiency up to 1000 RPM).
If you have a selectable transmission you want use a lower gear if available to avoid the low-RPM efficiency hole. Example: 750 RPM 300 motor Nm is 87% efficient (say 3rd gear), but 1500 RPM 150 motor Nm (same wheel Nm) is 93-96% efficient (say 1st gear).
This is where an Eco-like mode can help by limiting peak motor torque from a stop.
2. Very low motor torque. At high RPM, motor efficiency is largely independent of requested torque. However, very light motor torque load (< 10% peak) starts to drop off in efficiency again.
Not much you can do about this if you have a direct drive system. Perhaps apply pulse & glide techniques if constant operation puts you in this smaller efficiency hole. However, if you have a selectable transmission then you can upshift to decrease motor RPM and increase motor torque for a given wheel torque target. ie, 30 Nm 7500 RPM is < 93% efficient, but 90 Nm 2500 RPM is 93-96% efficient.
It's also worth pointing out that efficiency in the second region is still quite good, and that typically the energy spent accelerating from a stop is quite small on a motorcycle relative to energy spent overcoming drag. Dropping 1 mph off your travel speed would likely more than make up for the extra energy lost in dozens of hard launches at a stoplight.
And motor efficiency WILL depend on the motor in question.
2004 Prius motor:
Remy HVH250 traction motor, as used on the Lightning bike: