My 2012 zf9 quit at 3000 miles last year. Since the nearest dealer is over 8 hours away, zero sent a truck to pick the bike up and take it to the factory, and returned it 6 weeks later, supposedly fixed. At 9000 miles it quit again, but this time I just sent the motor for refurb. The bike ran fine till 13'000, and quit again. The recall timing repair has not been done yet since zero has only 3 cable kits to send out, and every time i call them, I'm like # 4 on the list to get the cables. So 7 weeks later the bike is still sitting useless. Shold I be upset? I don't want to belive it is an overpriced piece of junk. Every piece of plastic has cracked and had to be replaced under warranty, as well as the rear shock. I live down a dirt road, but that's why i got the ds. was going to buy a 2015 but now i'm going to buy a Ural instead.