An article in my newspaper today explains why (in response to some complaints that they received from IC car drivers) EV charging stations are located in choice parking spots within private or public parking lots. The article explained that, while EV drivers would be happy to park further away from store entries, it costs a lot of money to trench existing parking lots to install electrical conduits and available power is usually located within, or adjacent to, stores or other public or private facilities. It can cost up to four times as much to run power to the back-40 in a parking lot than it would cost to locate the charging stations right in front of the store or public building. Also, that location reduces potential vandalism of the equipment. So if anyone asks you why EV owners get the choice parking spaces, you can tell them it is because property owners are saving money by locating the charging stations near their building and if they want to take advantage of these parking locations they can always purchase an EV and become a member of the elite.