I am just an angry customer - same as some of you - who thought that grouping angry customers would be the best way to find individual (faster resolution for our issues) and collective solutions(Zero improve its process so that any customer without his bike for more than, lets say, 30 days gets an increased support & compensation for the lack of availability). I have no other interest that seeing an unfair situation solved. Mine is a XU which spent most of its life back to the dealership. But my personal case is not really the issue here. And the last thing I want is my case solved, and the others let down - as explained, a lawyer will be taking care of my case, and it is a sure win.
Working in industrial aftersales services (in a sector where legal actions are common, and always lost when new product have known & unresolved issues), I fully understand what is happening, and what I am doing is what I think will make things move :
- Zero do not allocate enough resources to customer service (making complex cases very long / impossible to solve), making its marketing promises impossible to respect : premium service (not even close !), hassle free riding (dealers having few parts and qualification, it is often hassle full), easy to use (if you're not a qualified high power electronics specialist, you might suffer !)
- the supply chain is complex, especially abroad. It also look very segmented in a way that nobody feels responsible for the total delay for customer service and that customers can easily be lost between dealers, importers & Zero
- since the company is still small, there is a strong temptation to minimize issues, pretend it is customer's fault and try to discourage customers rather than bringing solutions. Just look at the dynamic of this topic, some of them probably coming from Zero employees ! Motorbike are potentially dangerous vehicles, for the drivers & others. Ignoring issues or customers complaints is really not the right way to do.
Three things can change this
- someone at management understand that there is an issue needing a fix - basically they'll lose more in potential sales & late case resolution, than what a correct & fair case resolution would cost
- either the problem becomes so big that it is impossible to ignore it - ie media start talking about it, but it would mean a severe damage to the brand
- trials costs so much (because customer get compensated for unavailability time, misleading advertisement, legal fees,...) that someone understands that managing the issues in a correct way is the best thing to do,
The good thing is that this is very easy to solve (would Zero after sale executive monitor 30 days+ unavailability cases, this topic would not even exist, and Designerdan & me would be talking about great rides rather than arguing about bad experiences). The bad thing is that nothing seems to move, and the victim are once enthusiastic customers, now becoming increasingly negative about Zero and the idea of buying one of these bikes. So Zero, time to wake up !!!