Several issues & dysfunctions. The smallest one were fixed after some weeks. After some time the bike was very difficult to start, and stopped without notice.
The problem is probably partly the dealer, and partly inside zero. The core issue is that there are quality issues (some well know here - the glitch, the click sound, the wetness preventing the battery from working correctly, the recalls,...), and for some unfortunate users, probably with 10 % probably or maybe lower, with multiple known issues and some less known you end up months without a bike, nobody telling you what's happening and when in will stop, and nobody caring. For me brand management is ensuring customers are happy, whatever the issues, and making sure no customer is trapped in the 4th dimension - in the cases I mentioned no bike, no info for months. Hence the efforts to make these cases known, fixed and process adapted so that future customer avoid this. And minimizing the issues - they are all genuine, and probably only a small share of the total - or trying to discredit the messenger is not the right way to handle this ! Also, the fact that the newer model seem better is no reason to ignore early adopters who suffered issues, significant value loss & early adopters risks !