Yes, our batteries are Lithium Polymer, the Zero S 2012 model has a Lithium Polymer Manganese battery (I have not checked the specific cathode material on the 2013 model, but I would think they are also Lipo's base).
Long storing is never recommended for lithium at full charge, if having to leave the pack unused for long periods of time it is better to do it at 30-40% capacity, check the voltage level periodically and eventually do another partial charge. If you charge the battery pack partially you extend the life-span (if you do a 40 miles ride/day, you do not need to fully charge the pack every time). Cell balancing is needed, but not everyday.
A well treated battery pack with last more than 8 years at a reasonable capacity level (in the 70-80% level)
Let's remember that batteries have to be used (cycle), and aging will happen anyway, not matter if we charge them 10 times or 100...
The last non-military (commercial) developed Lithium chemistries have been in use since 96'-2000 with limited track-record/experience (in non laboratory applications)