Yes I know, I've been putting many pictures on the forum these days. I hope it helped some of you. And why am I doing all these mods ? Simple, I commute with the bike. The more bad the weather is, the more I need to be on a bike because trafic jam become bigger and bigger as soon as it's raining, cold, don't even talk of snow !!!
So all my bikes have: heated grips, hand grip covers, Urbano Tucano to cover the leg, anti-theft like U-lock+holder on the frame, multiple lights system. I even have heated seat on all my bikes but I think it's not usefull: you get just a small part of your butt hot and all the rest is cold, brrrrr !!!
So I'm gonna put the best heated grips with have here in Europe: the oxford ones. On the top of the line there are 3 models: Adventure, touring and sports. On the DS I should say let's go for the adventure model but NOOOOO !!!
Have a look on one of the picture: you will see the standard lengh of the grip and the reduce one if you cut the end. I had to choose the sport ones to fit the ZERO and I like the diamond grip without any "gel" damper, you are in direct with your steering !!!
My dealer told me to come and have a look if we need to update the firmware of the bike, said that I might need it so the stroboscopic lights, led blinkers, heat grips, 12V plug for the smartphone and noise devices won't interfere with the onboard electronics. For now (without the heat grips) I had no problem at all.
to be continued.....