This ticking is quieter than the contactor, occurs about once every 1.2 seconds and only comes on when charging is complete. It also does not correspond with the BMS indicator lights. Concurrent with that I had the unbalanced power pack light 2 and 4 flash, followed by green light 3 flashing on the BMS lights. Then clicking stopped on mine but also only the unbalanced power pack lights full charge indication with 1red, 2,3,4green. The manual says that pattern of lights can indicates an unbalanced power pack, so maybe that is the issue. When I did get the clicking I had run the bike pretty hard, but the clicking didn't occur until several hours later. It's a mystery what it is and why it occurs. Pretty sure it is not the contactor. Since this one episode I clicking, I have ridden and charged 3 times with no clicking and no unbalanced power pack lights showing, so if I had to guess, I would say the clicking was related to battery heat. Interesting to see what bms lights other people with clicking have.