Not sure whether I should have added this, or started a new subject. Last Wednesday, my bike was sitting in the parking area at work, and the temperature was 72. It was around 1pm. When I turned on the bike to go home, the temperature symbol started blinking. How the hell could that be when I had just turned it on? I slowly cruised out onto the highway. I got about a 1/2 mile down the road, and the bike stopped generating power. I pulled over. After several minutes, I noticed that the warning had stopped blinking. I got back on the bike and rode away at about 50 mph. I went several miles and it started to blink again. I got off the road, again, and pulled into a parking lot. I just sat there for a few minutes watching the panel, and the light stopped blinking. I took off again, and rode the back roads home at about 35 mph. The light never came back on. When I got home, I continued to ride around the area for about another 15 minutes. No problem. The next day I rode the bike to the dealer. No problem on the ride to the dealer. He told me the they would analyze it, and the guy in California would look at the results. I emailed the service people in California, and their service guy replied that one of the possibilities would be a bad thermistor.