Hey Doc,
Thanks for the reply. I have bought torque arms from you on ES before. I didn't know you had a Zero. Now that I have actually searched the forum, I see you have a ton of info on it. Very cool!
My Power Supply is a knock-off Mean Well and it doesn't have the trigger feature. Can I connect positive & negative only... If I set it to 80% of pack voltage. I'm not talking about charge and leave, but more a watched quick charge at work with nightly factory charging.
This is what I do with my e-bike. I just watch an inline voltage/amp gauge till the amps fall to 0.05A.
If this is a bad idea, I can purchase a proper MW.
I also use my meanwell RSP-1500 with my 2011 zero it is way more compact.
The tree wires from the cahrger input of the zero are negative, positive and trigger. that white or yellow wire is to enable the charger current. when the battery can take current, that wire is tied to the negative. and this activate the current output of the zero delta Q charger.
on your meanwell you might also have a enable pin. it is called remote ON/OFF. you have to have this pin working exactly like the one on the delta Q cahrger so when your motorcycle cahrger input white wire is conducting to the ground this should activate your meanwell power supply with the remote ON/Off but you will have to build a small circuit to have the logic right
Just like the image C on the page 3 of that document http://www.meanwell.com/search/RSP-1500/RSP-1500-spec.pdf