Isn't this backwards? I mean lower regen is in Sport, isn't it?
So worst case, after x number of cycles, a code would have to be cleared?
Thanks for teh reply.
Sport is lower regen with no brake light than the lowest regen in ECO with no brake light, so one has available three levels of regen. In my 2013 it is even better because I can reprogram both of the ECO regen levels with my iPod.
No code can be cleared. It is the case of the chip reaching maximum record / re-write cycles which can vary widely from semi to semi parts. It's a record life thing.
It took some time to find this out in the early postings but it was answered by Zero engineering. They also worked with the controller manufacturer to remove this record keeping memory from the 2013 controllers. It may be possible to upgrade to the later controller, if it becomes a problem.
It is correct that the throttle has to be blipped off of the closed position for the mode changes to take effect, except for going from no brake light regen level to brake light regen level. That change takes place regardless of throttle position.
I've gotten used to blipping the throttle on a long downhill descent (throttle closed) in SPORT mode when coming to a tight turn and switching to ECO for more regen slowing. Usually I'll operate the handlebar switch a little early and then blip the throttle when I want to begin slowing.