The trike was powered on for the first time with the new batteries and worked flawlessly, after an initial re-boot with the key switch. I was amazed with the power and acceleration and then I discovered that I had forgotten to plug in one of the batteries, so it was only running on half power! After connecting the other battery I felt like it could lift the front end if I gave it enough throttle.
So far no more re-boots have been necessary. Bluetooth is working also.
1st ride was 14.4 miles total pavement to the monthly VintageBikeOC meet and back (even though it wasn't vintage it got a lot of attention). Back in April I rode the trike there with it's ICE still powering it so people were surprised. It was a blast to ride compared to it's original gas powered state!
There are other electric trikes but I wonder if this is the first dual-sport and aimed principally toward dirt riding?
It is now going to Utah with the FX and will see some dirt there for the first time as an electric. After the Utah rides I'll be posting ride data and ride photos of the FX and E-trike under a new thread.
See photo of its first roll-out from my shop and ready for the first ride.