Somebody is out having too much fun on their new electric trike or the cat has take over and won't release photos or video until Trikester orders a new controller and more batteries. Anything for more packing material for his den... 
OK, I guess I've been silent too long. I also took a week away from the project to endure desert heat.
I'm still grinding my way through the 12 V bike wiring. Working out the connections to Yamaha's existing lights, switches, etc. Also changing connectors on Zero's harness since I don't have the mates to the connectors that were on the harness, as it came from the factory. I'm having to change them to Molex connector pairs (with crimp-able pins and sockets) which I can purchase in the local electronics store. Of course, I have suggested to Zero that they supply mating connectors with "pigtails" to buyers of their powertrain systems, but that won't help me now.
One thing I have worked out is using the now unneeded "neutral gear" dash indicator light as a right turn flasher indicator. The Yamaha only used a single light to show the turn flasher was on, so it didn't indicate direction. The three indicator lights on the Yamaha are: "Turn" on the left side of the dash, "high beam" in the center, and "neutral" is on the right. So I will connect Zero's left turn indicator wire to the one on the left and the right turn indicator wire to the former neutral indicator on the right side. Center indicator light stays as "high beam". I had been wondering what I was going do with that "neutral" indicator light. Pretty cool - huh?
