Several points I would like to make.
1st. Most of the material used in a battery are recyclable. So, as more batteries are recycled, and more completely recycled, the environmental impact goes down. In no way, shape, or form,, can any educated person draw a comparison to the extreme measures currently employed (fracking, etc..) to extract oil and other "fuels" from our earth.
2nd. Even if the current design, manufacture, and use (the entire wells-wheel process) is less than perfect currently. The only path to success is to put your money where your mouth is and show there is a market, and to enable the companies developing these technologies to continue improving. We will not get there in one single, massive, leap.
3rd. EV's are and "energy neutral" technology. I hate the argument that "your energy just comes from a power plant instead" and "your exhaust is now coming out of the smokestacks of the power plant". This is true only if you choose that to be your energy source. You can pay for "clean energy" over the grid, or make or obtain your energy elsewhere.
4th. Electric bicycles, scooter, mopeds, and motorcycles (etc...) are THE MOST EFFICIENT FORM OF PERSONAL TRANSPORTATION that we know of. Even more-so than a conventional bicycle or other human powered vehicle, if you believe this article., I am a bit on the fence, and I think in the end it really comes down to your specific situation.
Bottom line? E-Bikes, of whatever flavor, are indisputably the lowest impact form of personal transportation available.