Thovas and I (Ed Cook) just got back from the Zero dealer meeting. We got to ride all the new 2013s....they are AWESOME!!!
The new XU is better than last years S/DS. Big jump in technology and power. More volts, and better batteries. Smaller chargers.
The two new motors are passive cooled motor, with the stator just inside right up against the housing. Lots of cooling fins....they designed this motor for its exact application with a grant they got from the state of California. No comprimises, and no overheating concerns even in Texas temps.
100% waterproof, as they said one big fleet customer is requiring that they can run submerged in standing water in so many feet of water. They better waterproofed lots of other areas on the bikes too.
Got to tour the Factory on the way back to the airport. Very impressed.....all MADE IN THE USA. I really liked the dyno room that all new bikes get checked on. We have a dyno too, and it was odd not seeing exhaust fans (no fumes) like we have to have for the gas burners we normally play with on the dyno. Everyone we met was a passionate enthusiast about the technology and the brand.
Just like the jump from 2011 to 2012 in terms of power, technology, and range, these new 2013s make as big a jump as that, maybe even more. The FX is really fast, I ripped some nice wheelies on it. The throttle programming seems smoother, build quality is more refined. The new storage compartments, seat, and mirrors make it great. The new brakes are good too, they get Nissins for all models.