I don't think we'll see a capacity improvement, though improved aerodynamics could greatly extend range. I suspect they'll stay with the same system voltage for another year or two, at least for carryover models. The EIG cells are simply too large (ZF3 = 2p, ZF9 = 6p) to allow for small granular capacity increases, as they did with the Molicel cells in 2011.
Take a look at the two torque vs speed plots attached.
The BRD motor plot is really close to an idealized plot, eg constant torque until constant power.
Changing the gear ratio affects both initial torque before the taller gear enters constant power as well as the top speed in each gear.
The Zero is more complex - it is constant torque to a power peak and then power decreases gradually as RPM increases.
Changing the gear ratio affects not only initial torque prior to the power peak, but also where the power peak is located and the top speed.
In the Zero S example, the power peaks are located around 45 mph (short gearing), 55 mph (stock gearing), and 75 mph (tall gearing). Changing the gear ratio allows you to effectively place your power peak where you're riding .. sort of like you do on an ICE bike, only the power peak is typically about half of max motor RPM (3500 RPM for Zero, vs ~6500 RPM max) instead of near max RPM as on ICE.
I don't understand motors very well, but here's an intuition. I believe the BRD acts more like an idealized motor because of its higher voltage - like the race bikes. For any given power level, a higher voltage motor draws less current. Power lost to motor inefficiencies (as heat) can be roughly expressed as I^2 * R .. and R increases as the motor heats up. The BRD gets very little benefit from a transmission as long as it is above 30 mph or so; the stock gearing provides at least 65 mph speeds.