Flar, this morning I heard a news report on the radio that San Jose was installing some new charging stations in the downtown area. Naturally, they interviewed a fellow (you know how they love sound-bites), who said that he drove his Leaf from Marin County to San Jose every day, where he charged it up at work and then drove back home. I think the Leaf has about the same government-estimated range as the Zero ZF9, although it probably gets better "mileage" at higher freeway speeds due to its more aerodynamic shape. Still, if that guy can go from Marin County to San Jose on a single charge, I would think a Zero ZF9 should get you down to Santa Clara, especially if you ride during commute hour.
The Mission Motorcycles demonstrator that I saw in January was a DS and I can't recall if it was the 9 kWh version (it is kind of hard to tell a 6 from a 9). My guess is that the DS does not do quite as well as the S on the freeway due to its slightly lower gearing and taller profile. But if MM will let you try out their bike for a day, it would certainly be interesting to hear your comments after your test ride.