My experience with motorcycles and scooters is the same as with computers. If they run well at first, they will run well a long time. If they don't, often the problems never get sorted out and you are stuck with the quirks for the duration. Glad to say my Zero has run superbly from day one. I do not plan to ride any bikes during the hot summer hours. Morning and evening rides only with 100 degree days. Hot weather is not so good for IC bikes either, especially idling in traffic. The other thing I do with all my bikes is run them every day at least a little. Almost all problem with bikes start out with the words, "I hadn't started my bike in a month or so when....." Stale gas in the carb plugging up the jets may be the no. 1 problem. At least we don't have to worry about that with the Zero.
Thunderstorms. I do unplug my Zero when thunder storms are predicted. What happens here is the electricity will be interupted a second or two, come back on, off again, back on several times. I can imagine that would not be good for the charger and BMS.
Brammo is an interesting Co. They started out as a car company and have a history of not bringing their concepts to market. The Empulse though has already been on the track racing. You can see YouTube videos of it. I don't think the Empulse of 2 years ago had the clutch and gears to shift as an option, but I think it had water-cooling. Their problems might be more along the lines of marketing and production costs rather than technical. They may need someone with deep pockets to help them out. Richard?