May i ask what you meant, offthegrid, by "feeling like it's running out of phase"?
i ask because my new '12 ds9 has one slight performance "issue" that i've noticed. it's subtle but annoying and sometimes feels just potentially dangerous. i live on a road which declines a bit (i dunno, 3% perhaps) towards a stop sign at the end of the street. each day when i leave the house, i am in eco mode. the bike rides as expected right up until i begin to slow for the stop, at which point the bike slows in "stutters", as though the regen braking is slowing the bike in spurts, similar to if i were "pumping the brake" moderately to a stop. it certainly has a "periodic" feel to it, with a cycle length of perhaps a second. from the moment i stop, everything functions normally again, and all other slows/stops are normal.
anyone have any similar experience/thoughts?