I live in the Cleveland area and just got back from visiting the factory. The assembly and quality of these bikes is solid. I can highly recommend them just from what I saw. You get a lot of customizable options too. I'd say the only downside is the price and weight compared to their Chinese road-legal-electric-dirt-bike competition. It has a more erector-set look compared to something integrated like a Zero FX/FXE, but that also appears to make it easier to work on. A steel frame does have its advantages. The biggest difference between between this and my Zero FXS, besides obvious speed and battery capacity, is the jackshaft used to transfer power from a belt to a chain (or another belt as an option!). This is common in some of the Sur-ron type dirt bikes since you can change gearing & sprockets easier, and LAND offers those options.
Anyway, if you're looking for a motorcycle that is 80% of the speed, weight and price of a Zero FXE, I think they're a solid option. Bonus points for being able to remove the battery. You can opt for an onboard charger too but that is not standard, so make sure you select it if you want it. The external one is standard.