Here is the quick analysis from someone working for zero..each pack used one after the other alone with the jumping plug:
both batteries seem to have about the same performance:
14sg1067 sagged to 3.1V on one cell and had around 11kW power lmit
02513 04/03/2023 11:33:43 Riding PackTemp: h 22C, l 22C, PackSOC: 99%, Vpack: 91.907V, MotAmps: 146, BattAmps: 114, Mods: 01, MotTemp: 33C, CtrlTemp: 17C, AmbTemp: 17C, MotRPM:2594, Odo:18691km
02514 04/03/2023 11:33:43 Batt Dischg Cur Limited 128 A (58%), MinCell: 3111mV, MaxPackTemp: 22C
14sg1061 sagged to 3.3V on one cell and had an 11kW power limit:
02543 04/03/2023 09:34:57 Riding PackTemp: h 21C, l 20C, PackSOC: 98%, Vpack: 95.774V, MotAmps: 211, BattAmps: 92, Mods: 01, MotTemp: 37C, CtrlTemp: 18C, AmbTemp: 14C, MotRPM:1387, Odo:18692km
02544 04/03/2023 09:34:57 Batt Dischg Cur Limited 111 A (50%), MinCell: 3368mV, MaxPackTemp: 21C
I can't easily tell which BMS log goes with witch battery name listed above, but here is one log, showing that at around 80A out of the battery its output voltage drops to around 90V:
03400 04/03/2023 10:26:30 Discharge level 002 AH, SOC: 90%, I: 81A, L:3066, l:3557, H:3300, B:234, PT:018C, BT:023C, PV: 90291, M:Bike On
03401 04/03/2023 10:26:30 Discharge cutback 58%
I don't think that 58% cutback means it was from the 14sg1067 because the MBB and BMS logs don't log the cut-back rate at the same time.
the Balance of that battery under load isn't great it is 234mV imbalance (note the B:234) entry, but when batteries are sagging that much a big imbalance isn't un-expected.
this is from the other battery:
04430 04/03/2023 09:34:48 Discharge level 000 AH, SOC: 98%, I: 84A, L:3278, l:3718, H:3413, B:135, PT:021C, BT:024C, PV: 94135, M:Bike On
04431 04/03/2023 09:34:48 Discharge cutback 34%
it is showing similar internal resistance, with around 84A discharge its pack voltage drops to 94V, it has decent balance with 135mV imbalance
So my quick analysis is that your batteries are just worn out, and sag a lot under load, and take action to protect against over discharge