I am very surprised they waited this long to start reporting cable thefts. Yah no doubt those things are prime opportunity to thieves.
A LOT of copper in them, a crack heads dream.
Florida already is cracking down on this, those cables are considered restricted materials. You need a lot more credentials to recycle them. This does not stop crackpipe johnny from taking them home and stripping them now, but for the slash and cash crowd, it hinders them a lot.
This is kind of a conundrum for some. They like to say they are green, but don't want those cars up front in their parking lot,so they put the chargers wayyy in the back, out of sight, BUT back there, they can't keep a good eye on them, so at night time, the crackies and zappies come and steal the copper cables. Most of them are smart enough not to open the charger up and go cutting. The ones who were not smart enough are generally at room temp already. Those cables are easily a few hundred dollars EACH to replace. Once it's cut, I do not see the merchant in any hurry to replace them, especially if / since the station has been operating at a net loss to begin with.