Thanks, Demoni,
but I have to admit my confusion only grows.
Especially regarding possible grounding, i.e. connecting a PIN to B-:
My understanding is that if I want to close a DI, i.e. switch it ON, I would have to connect it to B-.
In case of the Forward switch that is normally connected to MBB19, my understanding was that this closes the contact. If I cut this wire, the Zero doesn't move. From this I deducted that no connection equals OFF. Problem is that connecting the Reverse PIN to exactly that MBB19 PIN where the forward switch is connected to with the Zero moving forward, it does
not make the Zero go backwards. And havin assigned the proper PIN to REVERSE it should not matter if I do this with PIN 30 or 31 or any other pin that can be assigned to REVERSE in the DVT software.
I must admit that I have no clue what MBB19 PIN does or is. One could try to connect SEVCON 18 (forward) to B- and see if the Zero drives or not.
From my point of view, I simply exchange PIN18 by a PIN assigned to REVERSE in the DVT with a switch, so the Zero should go reverse. As this obviously does not work, the problem has to be somewhere else. It is not the throttle2 values as I configured these as well, and, by the way, the manual states that throttle 1 values are taken as throttle 2 values if throttle 2 values are all zero.
Rewiring and trying various connections is quite time consuming and my fear is to destroy something with wrong wiring, so before trying this and that I would like to have a plausible explanation
why this should work. It
does work for older bikes, so the problem will most likely be in the MBB programming that I cannot access.
So when you write
Sorry I mistyped, You are 100% correct the unused input should be connected to B-. Like you are already doing.
this is
not what I am doing. The
unused contact is left
unconnected to anything. The
used contact connects to MBB19 and my question was if it should go to B-
instead of MBB19.
My hope now is that Brian may disclose the workaround he mentioned here on EMCF.
And meanwhile, I will be doing some testing with DVT regarding the signal visibility.