I remember seeing something in the manual, a sentence somewhere on how you can change that display on the ribelle. I think some part of it was tied in with the green eyeball setting as well, but don't quote me on that.
Putting the bike in ECO mode or a very low battery putting you into a conservative power mode, would actually make the LED's activate more, as you'd be going to full throttle a lot faster than in normal mode, since the power applied is so much less than normal driving. Rain mode will also make them much more 'active' as well. In normal or sport mode, you crank the throttle all the way the bike is going to want to stand on end, so you don't do that very much at all! In rain mode,hammering the throttle, all the lights light up like a christmas tree across your dash but the acceleration is very conservative, comparatively.
Put it in rain mode, and give it good throttle to take off, and cycle thru all the screens and see what you get out of it.
I have a PDF version of the instruction manual, let me do a word search and see if I can find that little blurb where they talked about it again. Now im interested