Thanks for that feedback, Motoproponent! I had been wondering how much the Experia's thermal performance had improved. Sounds like substantially but not a total cure. My 2020 SS9 13.4 had terrible thermal throttling down to 12 kW and even as low as 8 kW in the Sacramento area (temps of 105+ deg F to be fair), and I've heard the 21.5 bikes could be even worse.
So far I've seen the Experia charge go all the way down to 9kw on DC on a really hot day(about40c) and really pushing the battery all day. I recently came back from a long trip and I saw it dip down there a couple times. Most of the time when it's in yellow, it charges between 12-16kw, it's really a sliding scale based off how hot it's running. I was also hoping it was much improved. It is definitely better with the improvements being the bulk of the battery hitting the wind and a lot more time between charges helps a lot. I would also like to know what it would look like with battery cooling.