Your smart phone is not off, because you pushed the off button.
You may like to think it's off but it's not.
Unless you totally remove the battery, which very few allow you to do anymore, it's NOT off.
Since you all are so worried about corporate tracking and all, so better update your Fakebook status for the 23rd time today about privacy and warn everyone, but of course ONLY after you gave your 5 minute video tour of the new lay of the rug since you ran the automatic self tracking and navitgating vaccuum up the stairs, and warn about how someone can get your e mail address without your consent! Ooh, I think Amazon has something for that, oh wait, they sent me a message, .. yep, they seen me typing this and let me know they Do have something, I just need to click the button and it'll be here tomorrow morning. Seems the roomba was spying over my shoulder and Alexa can tell which keys I tapped by the unique signature each one makes and they knew what I needed before I even knew what I needed !!!
Still need an account to get gas after hours, it's called a Credit Card Account. Unless you want to pre pay, so they can hold your money for you. I will pretty much about guarantee that Tesla will probably jump on that bandwagon very quickly themselves, I mean what is NOT to like about being able to use other people's money, interest free!
By the way, you ARE aware that part of some of the anti fraud measures your credit card companies use is to ding your phone for a quick GPS location, to help verify you are actually AT that store that just rang up the 400 charge on your card right?
You are being tracked by EVERYONE, like it or not, and don't get all pissy about entity A .vs. entity B, because they all share the fkn data they got on you, or sell it to each other.
how those youtube uploads going?