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Author Topic: Suspension and Ride Quality Adjustments  (Read 6421 times)


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Re: Suspension and Ride Quality Adjustments
« Reply #60 on: July 02, 2023, 06:58:20 PM »

Pard, the go pro issues and the total overwrite of the SD card is because they are using total shit cards.  You can get them dirt cheap, which is what they do, to give them to YOU not so dirt cheap.  OR you can spend the few extra bucks and get better certified SD cards that won't corrupt or leave abunch of crap on them.

The 20 percent corrupting thing is just terrible, for the money you pay for those things and all the new 'upgrades' you'd think they'd figure that one out.  Doesn't it save your vids in like 5 minute segments tho so you only lose the last segment?  or does it corrupt the entire SD.   Again even if it wiped one file on it that should NOT corrupt the entire drive,  those can be picked apart like an HDD with the proper software and fat tables etc restored.

I want to say Grade 10 but not sure what the new names for the technology are but getting a much higher grade SD card to put into the thing and see if that helps with the corruption problems first.  That's just a shitty SD card there.


Excellent points!

I use a samsung EVO 128 card now, that seems to give the most reliable result for me of those I have tried.

What do you recommend as quality?

Correct, the video does get segmented, but some are as long as 20 minutes.  Not sure how that works, and you can get that whole segment corrupted.  True, there is software to recover, but who needs that PITA.  Avoid it in the first place by never letting the battery reach 20%

Once you know the common issues, it is a great camera.



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Re: Suspension and Ride Quality Adjustments
« Reply #61 on: July 03, 2023, 12:16:43 AM »

What happens at 20 percent exactly?  Does the camera shut off?  THAT right there just makes no sense!! even from a data standpoint.  If the fucker is dying on the write, the parity check should kill it immediately, and it's SOLID STATE FFS!!  You don't have field strengths, head sway, flutter or any of that BS to worry about on a write command on a 'control power crisis' event with a solid state device.  They make solid state hard drives, which get written and re written CONSTANTLY that don't corrupt.  You can get a fkn TERABYTES drive for a hundred bucks or so that will take probably millions of RW ops.

It's like the world is Digital HD, and they are clinging to their NTSC standards,  lets snag another drive out of the TRS-80 shall we?

If it's that unreliable then the camera should shut itself OFF at that point, because for all purposes it is NOT USEABLE at that point.  Im surprised there isn't a class action out on that yet, false advertisement,  you claim 70 minutes and it only is reliable for 40 type thing.

No matter what, if it KNOWS it's power is waning and it's not like a blown fuse or something just yanking the plug, it should shut itself OFF, NOT corrupt the file!  Throw in an extra $3.00 of chips to have a volt reg for your write assembly so if it's sagging, you BOOST IT, then once you see it's sagging, TURN THE CAMERA OFF before it CORRUPTS!!

Sorry for the rant, but that is just poor 3rd world crap right there, you'd expect a lot better from a company as big as them.

Let me do a bit of research and see what I can find as for the highest quality chips you can get.  It's a lot to do with the 'cells'  how many spares .vs.  how fast they are expected to corrupt, stuff like that but let's not get too geeky.



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Re: Suspension and Ride Quality Adjustments
« Reply #62 on: July 03, 2023, 12:33:05 AM »

Exactly the complaint everyone has about it.  The camera does not shut off and protect your files.  It keeps running and corrupts them.  Should be a super easy software fix, but I suspect they do not do it because that would demonstrate how poor real world battery life actually is.

Like I said, once you know, it is a very reliable and capable camera.

The 360 cameras are better because they are capturing everything ahead and behind at the same time.  You would have to run 4 regular cameras for that.


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Re: Suspension and Ride Quality Adjustments
« Reply #63 on: July 03, 2023, 01:12:08 AM »

Example of how the insta 360 is next level compared to older go pros.  Go pro does make a 360 camera as well.



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Re: Suspension and Ride Quality Adjustments
« Reply #64 on: July 03, 2023, 06:40:09 AM »

which one would you think is better the insta or the go pro.  Given GP's corruption problem Id look at the other one first tbh.



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Re: Suspension and Ride Quality Adjustments
« Reply #65 on: July 03, 2023, 07:53:58 AM »

which one would you think is better the insta or the go pro.  Given GP's corruption problem Id look at the other one first tbh.


I have an insta coming next week.  Will give it a workout and a full review.


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Re: Suspension and Ride Quality Adjustments
« Reply #66 on: July 03, 2023, 09:26:36 AM »

Looking forward to that.
So how exactly does a 360 camera work, it records at all angles and when you edit you just pan in and out to select which arc of angles to show in the video?  Get enough MP on it and you can probably do some serious pan in and out and zooming too as needed.

That might be something interesting to use on the track so you can see the track, the angle, the rider, lean angle and all that stuff if you placed it correctly, or work 2 in tandem.

Ill wait for your review before I pull the trigger on one of those though.  I got an older go pro ill get a case for and throw on the bike to test the waters.  So they WILL run continuously on the USB power coming off a cable?



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Re: Suspension and Ride Quality Adjustments
« Reply #67 on: July 03, 2023, 02:41:09 PM »

Lots of videos about how to setup the insta 360 on a motorcycle and how it works.  Fascinating tech.


Go Pro is great off bike usb power. 

Key to hassle free success:  Samsung 128 evo card and you can record for 8 hours.  Make sure you power off the go pro before you power off the bike or you will corrupt the file.  Format in full via your PC after you pull your ride footage, then format again in the camera before shooting again. 

Just need to get the battery passthrough door and cable to run it like that:




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Re: Suspension and Ride Quality Adjustments
« Reply #68 on: July 03, 2023, 04:03:19 PM »

One more critical piece of advice about running Go Pro off external power!!!!!!!!!!

Remove the battery when doing so.  If you run it off external power while the battery is in place the unit will both corrupt your files, and overheat/lock up.



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Re: Suspension and Ride Quality Adjustments
« Reply #69 on: July 04, 2023, 05:09:12 PM »

They STILL have the over heat problem?  Man, the more I start paying attention to the Go Pro reviews the bigger POS it seems to be!  Yah it's a one trick pony, which serves it's purpose in a world full of narcissists and self absorbed people but anyone wanting something with a bit more reliability, should probably look elsewhere.   My friend owns a computer shop and shown me his 69 dollar knock off camera and to be honest, the quality was just as good as Go Pro and it didn't have all the problems and crap.  No it didn't have all the fluffer stuff the GP does but if you are going to edit at home anyways, then why do you need all that on your camera etc?

When I look at high speed vids I look for pixilation and blocking, which tells me the camera can't handle the bandwidth that is needed or a piss poor codec is being used and it's over compressed, but that will show in other places too.  Artifacting, vignetting, spoking, are other indications of 'data handling problems'.    Which is why you need a FAST video card.  But along with FAST  comes QUALITY,  fast that corrupts if you look at it wrong is not good either.  How many R / RW can it take, how does it handle corrupted cells? Can you get a true report or is your TRUE memory a locked number???

No I am not a producer of HD quality videos and NO I do not have a massive studio but I understand fully how all this stuff works and DO recognize quality when I see it, or cutting corners.


PS to get back on topic, having a camera down there by the shocks should also help show you how your new Olin's are performing when you hit the rough spots on the road.


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Re: Suspension and Ride Quality Adjustments
« Reply #70 on: July 06, 2023, 08:31:22 PM »

Some more data on tire testing. 

The Michelin Power GP tires are superb.  Great handling.  Very confidence inspiring grip. 

As compared to the Mitas tires I had on there last, the Power GP tires allow me to get on the throttle more aggressively while leaned over and coming out of a corner, without the traction control intervening.  I consider that to be an objective data point that indicates superior grip.

These tires require a pressure of 39 front and 36 rear cold,  to get a 10% increase in pressure when hot. 10% front and 10-20% rear increase cold to hot is a good rule of thumb for setting tire pressure for performance riding.

I was getting wear on the tires that indicated both front and rear rebound needed adjustment.  Following the guidlines described by Dave Moss, below, that irregular wear was eliminated.  Note that these adjustments are to be made only after you already dialed in your suspension for proper sag.  Get professional help on this if you are not able to do it yourself.  I had a pro do it for me.

You make adjustments for rebound based on tire wear AFTER you set it in the garage for best static performance.  Real world rebound requirements may or may not differ from what you set in the shop.

Dave Moss:

"The most common type of tire wear on street motorcycle tires is the leading edge being rounded down as the picture above demonstrates. Based on the rotation of the wheel (going right to left in this picture), the first edge to touch the pavement would be the leading edge.

You will see in most cases that this is common tire wear for all motorcycles irrespective of category or weight. It is also very expensive as this portion of the tire is being rapidly eroded.

How does it happen?

Rebound damping on the rear shock is incorrect due to the speed of return post impact with a bump in the road is too quick. This happens over time as oil degrades and when hot, shock or fork oil flows faster. As a result, if you have no damping adjustment, this wear is a signal that the fork and/or shock oil needs changing. If the rear shock is not serviceable, then a replacement must be acquired.

If you do have one screw for the rear shock or a screw marked TEN or REB, going clockwise in small increments such as a quarter turn will restrict the flow or slow down the speed of oil flow and this will reduce or potentially eliminate the wear. There is a limit of course and when you run out of adjustment and the wear is not controlled, it is time for fresh oil! That being said, knowing when you are 1 to 3/4 of a turn from maximum allows you to plan and budget.

Not attending to this can accelerate wear by 60% and we all know how expensive tires are to purchase.

Not attending to this wear also means that your motorcycle porpoises in corners when leaned over and that requires more effort form you to control it in EvErY corner.

Do you really want to expend that much effort per corner in a one hour ride when a quarter or half turn clockwise/right could create a massive positive impact on your chassis for mid corner stability and energy depletion? Get those sleeves rolled up and get to work with an allen or screwdriver tool and see where you are in your range of adjustment to see if a service or upgrade is urgent or in the near future!"

« Last Edit: July 06, 2023, 08:43:28 PM by Pard »


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Re: Suspension and Ride Quality Adjustments
« Reply #71 on: July 07, 2023, 03:38:04 AM »

You know, the fact that he got borked and put in the back of the pack so to say on the race, actually was a GOOD thing.
Him blowing by everyone to get where he was, with little to no extreme effort on his part shows the superb handling and balls of the bike.  The fact he was able to sigh, go, whatever, ... get out of my way, and woof up to 10th in one lap.  ..

That speaks tons for the bike and it's abilities in qualified hands.

People hopefully see, not only what he did, but how rather effortlessly he was able to do it with that bike.



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Re: Suspension and Ride Quality Adjustments
« Reply #72 on: July 11, 2023, 06:45:48 PM »

They STILL have the over heat problem?  Man, the more I start paying attention to the Go Pro reviews the bigger POS it seems to be!  Yah it's a one trick pony, which serves it's purpose in a world full of narcissists and self absorbed people but anyone wanting something with a bit more reliability, should probably look elsewhere.   My friend owns a computer shop and shown me his 69 dollar knock off camera and to be honest, the quality was just as good as Go Pro and it didn't have all the problems and crap.  No it didn't have all the fluffer stuff the GP does but if you are going to edit at home anyways, then why do you need all that on your camera etc?

When I look at high speed vids I look for pixilation and blocking, which tells me the camera can't handle the bandwidth that is needed or a piss poor codec is being used and it's over compressed, but that will show in other places too.  Artifacting, vignetting, spoking, are other indications of 'data handling problems'.    Which is why you need a FAST video card.  But along with FAST  comes QUALITY,  fast that corrupts if you look at it wrong is not good either.  How many R / RW can it take, how does it handle corrupted cells? Can you get a true report or is your TRUE memory a locked number???

No I am not a producer of HD quality videos and NO I do not have a massive studio but I understand fully how all this stuff works and DO recognize quality when I see it, or cutting corners.


PS to get back on topic, having a camera down there by the shocks should also help show you how your new Olin's are performing when you hit the rough spots on the road.

First ride with the Insta 360 X3.

It works out of the box.  Files don't get corrupted, battery lasts for over an hour with plenty left.

Mounting on the motorcycle with the included clamp is not perfect.  It works itself loose during the ride even after making it super tight.  Scared to mount it behind as a result.

Will try the sticky mount route next.

Very cool that it captures 360 of the ride so you can go back and select what views you want.

That leads to the first issue I have with it.  I need to study how the editing software works to get the footage I want.  Not a small task.

Will post up some footage once I figure out how to produce it.



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Re: Suspension and Ride Quality Adjustments
« Reply #73 on: July 12, 2023, 01:01:36 AM »

Isn't there some 3rd party software,like say photoshop or something you can use to edit your files?  Or are they using some proprietary format that only their shit works on, and then you have to convert to a final format?  Yah that is a bit of a slow down having to learn a new editing software and it's quirks etc.

Waiting to see what you end up with for us !


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Re: Suspension and Ride Quality Adjustments
« Reply #74 on: July 12, 2023, 02:47:21 AM »

O.K.  here is the first very poor attempt at editing.  Watched a bunch of tutorials and used the Insta 360 desktop studio to edit.  I just need to practice.  Definitely an art to doing it well.  Alternatively there is option to let the programs AI create clips, which is does well, but it tends to focus on the rider all the time.

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