Lift the rear wheel first?
Where the front lift is positioned will make a world of difference. If you are lifting the ENTIRE almost 600 Lb bike or just teetering it a bit on a pendulum axis kind of like a see saw. Think angles, where are you 'teetering' it from, can I get something to move that teeter point so that more weight is on the OPPOSITE side that I am lifting from? The AoA that you are coming in from makes a difference too. Without seeing the setup, it's hard to just say, oh,just do this and that... something as simple as lifting you bike, isn't always that simple.
This bike is HEAVY, there is no getting around that, you won't be jockeying it around like you would a 300 lb squid missile. When you drop the bitch, good luck getting it up by yourself. A car floor jack works... at least... in theory... so I heard... from a friend