I think you are pretty on spot Ash.
The biggest issue is the negative and well. pardon my french BULLSHIT stories they run constantly every time there is a problem with an electric vehicle, like it's a HUGE disaster.
How many ICE caught on fire? a LOT ! But you don't hear about that.
Let's go 100 years back into the past and all the crap spewing, I can guaranTEE you was being throw at the ICE .vs. horse and buggy. Oh the ICE exhaust will KILL YOU... a horse's exhaust will just make you crinkle your nose... type stuff. Oh the ICE is flammable, deadly, wonk wonk wonk.
I think electric eventually may be a real thing, but NOT the way they are pushing it now. In the long run, people are going to need to decide for themselves. When you force them, even though they may think it's neat, they will rebel, simply because they are being forced and it is not THEIR decision.
One of the biggest problems though, which everyone is ignoring is, the infrastructure can NOT handle it AT ALL ! You basically are doubling the electric consumption of a community with these. The distribution lines, especially in older hoods, the transformers, etc can NOT carry the load, all that needs to be built out. Then there is the generation, ok throw solar on everyone's roof, ok but during the day they all are at work, the car is NOT charging then, ok so throw in 100 kw of batteries so they can save what they made for when the car does get there... well crap, the cost of THAT house just went up 125k !! See, these are real world problems that will need to be worked out. Oh and for S and G's - what happens in say, Florida, when its one of those 18 degree nights, and everyone's heat strips are burning, keeping the homes warm. OH BUT WAIT !! - I have 800 megawatts of car capacity that wants to charge now too!.. but we are at our limit and there is NO power on the market, even when we play the 9999 game... now what?
Maybe we can use the cars battery to get us over humps and prevent blackouts... BUT that would mean having to compensate the people in a FAIR way !! for use of their resources. THIS RIGHT HERE, is a major bind, the power companies do NOT want to share ANY of their pie !! They want it all for themselves !!
Ill leave it at that or else I'll be typing chapters here... been doing the solar thing since 1986, worked in the power industry for 17 years, I know the games that are played.
once again, if we could just get the adults to sit at the table and work this thru, it could work wonders ALL AROUND,but that'll never happen everyone wants the whole pie.