I have the same kind of issues as well when charging. For like the first 5 or 10 minutes you have the ability to press the button to interrupt the charge. After that, nothing, there is no interrupt, pressing the buttons, the mode, the program in back, nothing. cycling power really don't do anything either except make it ask you for your pin number, which was VERY odd. I had to just pull the plug from the wall, it would not release the cable, turn the bike off, would not release the cable, then turn it back on, and finally it released the cable and stopped the charge.
I get it that charging can be a bit goofy because it has to communicate, but when using AC ie Mode 1, or 2, since the bike is the ONLY entity really controlling it, this should be a no brainer and issues like this should really. not be. I don't want to charge up to 100 percent, i want to stop at 80 to 85. I should be able to 'push the button' and stop it and not have to just yank the plug.
FWIW you do that sh$^t on a heavy DC charging current and you are going to pit some contact points up !!