There's been quite a lot of talk in these forums of the issue nicknamed magic charging, which manifests by your motorbike being unable to calculate the remaining power on your battery, which could result in entering low power driving mode even if you actually have plenty of battery charge left.
I got those problems on a long road trip recently, and delivered the bike to service after returning home. And it seems its now 100% fixed (within warranty) . This is what they did:
1. Installed the latest firmware (up from v23 to v24 for main board, up from v19 to v20 for BMS)
2. Replaced a faulty electric wire with a new type
Apparently the technician who fixed the bike was just back after having a course with Zero, and he got all the latest updates from the Zero engineers. And my problem seems to be one of the things he just learned how to fix.
The guy who delivered the bike back to me was not an engineer, so I could not get any detailed info. But apparently the electric cable was leaking electricity. They could find out where by using a wet sponge on the cable and measuring leaks with some special equipment.
Apparently Zero no longer uses the cable that was in my bike anymore (2020 model) , probably this type caused a lot of such problems, so I got a new cable type as a replacement.
Anyway the magic charge issue looks resolved now, and also I feel the bike is more powerful than before (might be placebo, but really feels like I got at least 20% stronger acceleration).
There's been lots of theories of what causes this magic charge issue, from a firmware bug to faulty cells in the battery. But at least in my case, replacing this electric wire seem to have done the trick.
I plan to run it from 100% to 0% now while tracking the distance, then let's see what the final km will be and if it matches the 100% charge estimate (185km now, with the magic charge problem I would get about 80km real range in the end)
Will update this post once I know more.