My Zero will never see a drop of water again for as long as I own it. Less than a year after purchase, it was a hot summer day when I gave it it’s first wash and rinse with an ordinary garden hose. Then after hours in the hot sun, I pushed it into the garage at sundown. The next day the warning lights were flashing, but when the ready light would come on for a split second, it would go. So every time I stopped, I would have to wait for the ready light. Forum people said it would dry over time and be okay, but three weeks later something blew up, and nearly tossed me off the bike. Once again, this happened the day after I washed it. I took it to EGMS for repair, but they would not look at the bike until I COMPLETELY removed all the added accessories. I removed everything and took the bike in, then waited, and waited, and waited. Every week brought another call telling me that something else needed to be replaced. They had the bike for months. I sent a letter to Zero, asking if they were going to cover this water created failure. They told me that the electrical accessories I had added caused the problem, and they would not cover it at all. I installed the accessories weeks after I bought the bike, and it failed the day after I washed it. All the accessories were reinstalled as soon as I got it back, and the bike has been working fine for over a year now with all accessories installed. This failure was obviously caused by water intrusion, but Zero will not take responsibility. Just under $3500.00. It’s not fair. It’s not right. But what can I do? So many people ask me about my bike, and the first thing I tell them is “buyer beware”, and they should consider buying something other than a Zero. I’ve had many issues with this bike, this was just the worst.