A 210kg people is awful big people.
Indeed, 210kg includes riding gear and luggage not just porky carbon units.
210kg is 462lbs. That's alot of weight. That's like 100 pounds of gear plus my spouse and I in full togs.
And 210*2<458 so this conversation is doubly confusing.
458kg is the maximum bike, stash and rider weight. Out of that the bike is around 265-285 kg depending on which model you have (newest being the lightest).
I just measured mine on a scale for cars, and it is about 280kg without me on (That is with sidebags, screen, 2m type2 charging cable, some tools and my rain gear).
Since i weigh about 85kg (approximately 90kg with gear), i can have a passenger weighing about 458kg-(280+90)kg = 88kg.