Would 2 of these be a good substitute for the no longer available diginow chargers?
I use two of the 3.3 KW Elcons on my SR. Those are the same units that DigiNow used. Mine are just a bit more simple and are only used to 95% SOC when the OBC takes over. No CANBUS connection of any type on mine. They are simply wired into the motor controller with 50 amp Anderson connectors I installed on the bike.
I charge my 2017 SR at almost 8KW when on the road. Even more at home by adding in some DeltaQs. But I carry the chargers externally in my sidebags. I only take them when I will need them. At home, I can charge as high as 12KW, but I normally only charge at 3KW at home. At any of my three houses, I am set up with two DeltaQs all ready, so I normally only use those unless I am in a hurry to recharge when home, which is almost never.
Similar configuration on my Zero DS, but I use the older 2.5KW Elcons with it, that are larger in size but less power. I charge my DS at around 6.3 KW. I do not exceed this on my DS even at home, since it has a 7.2 KWH (the unusable max) battery and I want to stay somewhat below 1C.
If you use two, they should be started close to the same time. Within a minute or so. I have never found that to be an issue, as I always start them both at the same time.
-Don- Reno, NV