Excellent info thank you. Do you happen to know of any good videos to get me started? I imagine I can learn from that. The crimper tool doesn't look too complex. Like trav asked above, do/did you just snip off the SB50 and connect the SBS75X?
Best to NOT touch the SBS75X. You may want to use it someday with DelatQ chargers along with your other chargers, like I sometimes do and charge my SR at 10KW.
I wired in my own SB50 connectors, two of them, for two Elcons, direct to the battery contacts on top of the motor controller. You will see the heat sink fins, just behind the rear shock as you look up to the bottom of the rear fender. That is the motor controller.
Take off your seat and find its top. You will see five bolts on top. Three go to the motor and two are to the battery and are marked with "-" and "+". That is the best way to do it. Connect you SB50 wires to those two. I put a 30 amp fuse in series with each positive lead, more to protect the bike in case of a very unlikely dead short. Be sure the key is out and NOT charging when you work on the bike. High voltage there if contactor is closed.
Be sure to use the OBC with your Elcons so you can remove your key while charging.
On both of my Zeros, I ran two wires each from the above terminals to two SB50's that I mounted next to the passenger foot peg.
You want the SB 50's mounted close to your OBC inlet for the J-1772 adapter.
The stock output cable on the Elcons will barely reach these. So I made SB50 extensions that are around two feet long, makes it a lot easier to use, but not really necessary. I used it for several weeks before I made extensions for my Elcons that I keep with the chargers.
See attached for my two SB50's location. The red and black wires there go to the motor controller battery terminals. Not a difficult job.
Do NOT use thinner wires than I am using. That gauge or thicker is fine per each 3.3 KW charger.
-Don- Reno, NV