The Charge Enable pin on the MBB is an input, meaning it has a high impedance and current won't flow into it, but we can still read the voltage. High Impedance pins will float, meaning they could be high or low randomly depending on whether charge builds up internally or noise couples in or what have you. Let's say you hook up a diode with the cathode towards the 5V signal pin. If the ENABLE is driven high, current won't flow through the diode and short. But if the pin floats high erroneously, it won't discharge the excess capacitance across the diode to GND(now your pin is falsely high). If you put the cathode on GND, then it functions a lot like a wire when the ENABLE is driven high, causing a short, but pulls down the ENABLE pin when it isn't.
Pullup or pulldown resistors of 10k ohms or more are required on input pins to make sure the input pin is always in a known state. For a pulldown, if the ENABLE is driven high, a small amount of current will flow through the resistor(5 milliamps, definitely not shorted), but the input pin will see 5V. If its not driven or driven low, there will be a direct connection for the pin to GND, ensuring the pin is LOW. Most logic signals can provide somewhere around 20mA or so, but to be safe using a 100k brings you to 0.05mA. You could chose the math for an intermediate valye, and I don't know how much current the microcntroller they're using can provide, but I'd say 1mA or below is a very safe bet.
TLDR: A diode will either not allow the pin to be pulled down or function close to a wire and not work properly when powered. A resistor will work in all conditions.
As for the schematic, I'm a dealer, so I have access to Zero's documentation. But I am not allowed to share it. That pin is common to both chargers. <- This is for a pullup, but the principal is the same for pulldowns,_high_impedance_pins,_and_open_collector_buses