Okay, this is PROBABLY a stupid question but I don't think I've ever seen this discussed here. I'll be getting mine sometime today (according to the shipping company) and I wanted to know: How do I use it? I know the directions say it needs to be plugged into the EVSE FIRST, I have to wait for an indicator light to signify the EVSE recognizes the tap and is ready to go, and THEN I plug it into the Charge Tank. Is that it? Do I have to join some network in order to be able to pay for using these stations? I have accounts with ChargePoint and EVConnect... I'm assuming Tesla doesn't allow just anyone to use their chargers for free. How does this work?
Telsa destination chargers need to switch to a J1772 mode. That usually takes 30 seconds (I find it often takes longer).
The time starts when the Tesla tap is connected to the live Tesla Station with NO load.
So, use it like this:
1. Make sure you have a green light on the Tesla Wall Connector or the Tesla Destination Charger before doing anything at all.
2. Connect the Tesla tap only to the Tesla charge station, NOT to the vehicle.
3. They say wait at least 30 seconds (but really wait at least a full minute or longer)
4. Now plug the Tesla Tap, along with the rest of it, into the vehicle.
5. Make sure the green light is still on the Telsa charge station.
6. Until you're used to the charge station, wait about six minutes to make sure the green light is still on at the Telsa Station AFTER your bike is charging normally.
Not all Tesla charge stations are compatible and some will go off in five minutes, especially with Zero's that have charge tanks like my SR. That is
why they sell this. See what it says there about the pilot signal with Zeros that have a charge tank installed.
I do not know why they cannot add an LED light to the Tesla Tap itself to show when it is ready. That would save a lot of hassle. But it is the Tesla station you're waiting for, to change modes, not the Tesla Tap itself.
-Don- Reno, NV