Damon is most active on their FB page. I don't engage with FB so I pass along some of the posts there on to here.
1. I agree that is simply an error on the table. Surely not intentional as it makes Zero look like the best option when it just isn't the fastest in the group at all if CCS stations are available.
2. These seem off as well although people with the new + model Energicas have said they throttle down the charge rate as early as 40% SOC. This may change with updates but is what they are saying.
3. I agree but some battery configurations can handle different rates at different SOC.
4. Mostly agree with this also but my guess is there is still hard feelings between the Alta guys and HD so...
They were literally quoting Ego stats, not Ego+ stats, and even then they still managed to mess them up. More egregious than that is the addition of the Johammer and Brutus bikes which, the former is an oddity for the sake of being an oddity, and the latter is just nowhere near a production vehicle. Meanwhile, the LiveWire was ignored and stats for all other vehicles were botched rather badly. The price on the Zero is wrong as well as several other stats.
I'm still waiting to see how they plan on fitting well over 1000 21700s into a smaller, lighter package than anything else out there.