I am reassured that BMW did such a good job and protected the battery in the best possible way.
What are 1,000€ in labour and a one battery pack when it runs again? Better than Zero, which has to throw a €15,000 motorbike in the rubbish because of such a fault.
What does a battery pack with tax really cost as a spare part at Zero, and I don't mean speculation.
As a dealer, I can tell you that we don't make much profit on batteries. I bet Zero doesn't either, as most of their parts seem to have around a 10-20% markup(you should see the markup on some of the other brands
. Zero only assembles the battery cellboxes, so the price is probably set by farasis.
You're also kinda comparing the worst case Zero to the best case BMW. Let's assume that the BMW gets about as much range and performance as a Zero 7.2 longbrick. Battery dies on both.
Zero 7.2 bike:
1.5h labor(pretty easy to swap} 150USD
7.2kW Battery ~3000USD
6h labor: 600USD labor
1 Battery Module: 2265USD
Difference is only 300USD, and that's assuming they only replace one module. BTW, I'm not at all convinced that they would replace a single module on a BMW with any real mileage because they need to be similar impedance and its almost impossible to match a a new battery to an old one. Zero learned this when people tried to add powertanks to older MY bikes or when replacing one module on an fx.
True, if you compare a single module replacement to a 14.4 battery swap, its a lot bigger. But again, I don't think they do that. At the price per kw of Zero batteries and BMW batteries, Zero is winning, and there is less labor.