Yes Crissa, that statement pretty much sums up what I've been trying to say.
MVetter: "their next-gen bike will deliver 150% more on basically every stat."
Umm your math is still off there.
The Ego+ claims 150hp (edit 145hp). The Hypersport claims 200hp, that's about a 33.5% (edit 38%) increase.
The Ego+ claims 150mph. The Hypersport claims 200mph once again 33.5% increase.
The Ego+ claims 250 miles city range. Damon claimed 300 miles city range for a 20% increase.
How MIGHT they achieve this?
Lets start with the basics.
Higher Voltage=Lower Amps=Less Heat=Lower Internal Cell Resistance=Less need for liquid cooling=Lower volume of liquid needed to circulate through the system to achieve a desired temperature=Less weight.
This also applies to the motor with the same effect and outcome.
By the way this is what Lucid credited with some of it's improved efficiency, if you had bothered to watch and acknowledge that instead of coming up with a wild theory that they added batteries to the media car.
The Hyperdrive unit does away with a standard frame, serving two purposes for the same weight.
To further speculate, by using cylindrical cells which are more durable and puncture resistant than pouch cells they don't need to house their cells in a heavy bank safe style battery case like Energica.
While we're here that new Energica battery case that removed the air flow channel seems to be less able to bleed off heat causing CCS charging to ramp down at as low as 40% SOC according to some Forum members.
Discussed here Maybe they can get that fixed, we'll see.
As for aerodynamics, hard to tell, but if the bike is configured in such a way as to allow the rider to better tuck in out of the wind that makes the true measure (bike+rider) better over all.