All batteries are charged with DC power.
The "charger" you plug into the wall and then connect to your bike is actually a EVSE (electric vehicle supply equipment). It merely provides AC power to the socket under your seat.
The actual charger is on the bike, it's job is to convert the AC (120 or 240V) power to 320V DC and send that to the battery.
Fast charging normally refers to rates above 1C (1 x the Capacity of the battery pack).
All charging creates heat, this is due to the internal resistance of the battery's cells. The higher the charge rate the more heat is produced.
Excessive heat can cause capacity loss in a battery over time. However the difference between a pack that spends its entire life at 25*C vs one at 35*C should only be 1-2%.
Interesting research paper for anyone who wants to geek out: do not have exact data on how much heat is produced by specific charge rates. I suspect that 7-10kW would have minimal effect on the packs temperature.
Additionally there is no issue charging your bike above 80% using a DC charger. The reason most people do not charge past that point is the charge rate will slow down as the state of charge approaches 100%. The normal use cases for DC charging stations is to quickly top up your range and keep riding.
Due to the tapering of charge rate at higher SOC the time waiting for a full charge could be better spent riding.
NewZeroland did a really nice video about this
Regarding portable DC chargers (and public DC charge stations). These units do the same thing as your bikes onboard charger, convert AC power to DC.
They are able to provide higher charge rates because they can convert more AC power to DC. As these offboard units are normally stationary or semi-portable, weight is not a major concern.
I have used both the small (6-10kW) and BIG (24-40kW) DigiNow units. Both work as advertised, all you need to do is: provide adequate AC power, plug into bike, push start button on charger.
It's a small gripe but the fans used to cool the unit are a bit loud. Build quality is good, the carry handle on the small unit is a nice touch.