Hi All,
Last week, I charged the bike to 100% and she went into cell balancing mode. Unfortunately, it took over 40 minutes to do this so I checked the data from the bms. I have listed the results below, but two values are particularly concerning. They are:
. - pack_capacity_ah 76
. - lowest_cell_voltage_mv 1977
Does this look like I have a dead cell?
.ZERO MBB> .bms
.* BMS Data *
.Additional options:
. - bms interface Shows Interface data
. - bms commands Shows commands sent to bms
. - bms eligibility/elig Shows eligibility information about the modules
. - bms module Shows module data
. - bms status Shows bms status data
. - bms info Shows bms information
. use -v for verbose printout including unregistered modules
. - bms login <bms> <level> Log in to <bms> at <level>
Module Management:
. - LTSM state: DIS
. - Selected to:
. - precharge: 255
. - close contactor: 2
. - isolation: 2
BMS snapshot:
. - BMS 2
. Module 2 info:
. - time since last PDO received 80
. - is registered 1
. - eligible for HV 1
. - pack voltage 115911
. - pack voltage oc 115127
. - soc 100
. - precharge command 0
. - precharge state 1
. - contactor command 1
. - contactor state 1
. - lock command 1
. - pack full 0
. - storage mode Inactive
. - num_bricks 0
. - batt serial 20HM0354
.ZERO MBB> .bms info
BMS 2 info:
. - Batt serial: 20HM0354
. - Board part num: 40-08201-01
. - Board serial: SJ4919ZER0227
. - Board rev: 1
. - Firmware part num: 75-08156
. - Firmware build num: 375
. - Firmware build hash: 00060d3ee9
. - Firmware id: 0
. - Firmware rev: 19
. - Firmware bank: 1
. - Firmware timestamp: Tue, 01/05/2021 22:23:00
.ZERO MBB> .bms interface
BMS 2 interface data:
. - status 0x80000036
- status2 0x0000
- pack_current_ma -2975
- time since status_rpdo_received 93
. - max_charge_voltage 117.6 V
. - target_charge_voltage 116.3 V
. - pack_soc_pct 100
. - discharge_allowed 82
. - max_charge_current 3
. - max_discharge_current 1060
. - time since power_rpdo_received 103
. - pack_capacity_ah 76
. - min_pack_temp_c 14
. - max_pack_temp_c 17
. - lowest_cell_voltage_mv 1977
. - time since pack_rpdo_received 2
. - pack_open_circuit_voltage_mv 116083
. - pack_voltage_mv 116475
. - time since voltage_rpdo_received 2
. - Contactor recently closed 0
. - bms_compatibility_field 0x03
.ZERO MBB> .bms commands
BMS 2 commands state:
- close_contactor 4
- precharge_enable 3
. - isolation_pull_down 0
- isolation_pull_up 0
- isolation_inhibit no
. - control 0x003b
- mbb_compatibility_field 0x03
.* BMS Data *
.Additional options:
. - bms interface Shows Interface data
. - bms commands Shows commands sent to bms
. - bms eligibility/elig Shows eligibility information about the modules
. - bms module Shows module data
. - bms status Shows bms status data
. - bms info Shows bms information
. use -v for verbose printout including unregistered modules
. - bms login <bms> <level> Log in to <bms> at <level>
Module Management:
. - LTSM state: DIS
. - Selected to:
. - precharge: 255
. - close contactor: 2
. - isolation: 2
.ZERO MBB> .charging
.*...Charging *
. Measurement, Value, Units, Valid, In Test
. EVSE_Connector_State, 1, Disconn, Yes, 0
. EVSE_Command, 0, No, Yes, 0
. Inlet_Region, 2, EU, Yes, 0
. Latch_State, 4, , Yes, 0
. Pilot_Current, 0, A, No, 0
. Charging, 0, No, Yes, 0
. Chargers_Connected, 0, , Yes, 0
. Max_Charge_Current, 0, A, Yes, 0
. Charge_Current_Sum, 0.0, A, Yes, 0
. Max_Charge_Voltage, 0.0, V, Yes, 0
. Target_Charge_V, 0.0, V, Yes, 0
. Storage_Voltage, 106.0, V, Yes, 0
. Target_Override, 0, No, Yes, 0
. SOC_Charge_Target, 86, Pct(%), Yes, 0
. Charge_Target_Enable, 1, Yes, Yes, 0
. Charge_Target_Init, 0, No, Yes, 0
. Charge Complete, 0, No, Yes, 0
. Scheduled_Charging, 1, Yes, Yes, 0
. Schedule_Override, 1, Yes, Yes, 0
. Sched_Charging_Now, 1, Yes, Yes, 0
. Plugin_Window_Init, 0, No, Yes, 0
. Charge_Window_Init, 0, No, Yes, 0
. Sched_Charge_Delay, 0, min, Yes, 0
******************* Charging Schedule ***********************
. Day, Start_Time, Offset, Plugin_Start, Plugin_Offset
. Sun, 4:00, 1:00, 16:00, 12:00
. Mon, 4:00, 1:00, 16:00, 12:00
. Tue, 4:00, 1:00, 16:00, 12:00
. Wed, 4:00, 1:00, 16:00, 12:00
. Thu, 4:00, 1:00, 16:00, 12:00
. Fri, 4:00, 1:00, 16:00, 12:00
. Sat, 4:00, 1:00, 16:00, 12:00
******************* Chargers Connected **********************
.Charger, En, DC V, DC A, AC V, AC A, AC HZ, Limit A, Ver, Serial, ID, Status