Again, once I get my Ribelle I'll be able to tell if there's any significant improvement in freeway range at my average speeds (~75mph).
That's what I am waiting on to see as well. However, I discovered the range is fine on my SS9-, as long as there is a charge station somewhere around that less than 30% SOC left. It's about as often as I want to take a break anyway. And they sure have been adding a lot of CCS chargers lately in CA. Some are NOT even yet listed on Plugshare , not even as a "coming soon". An example are the new CharePoint CCS chargers at Cisco Grove on I-80. But they were not activated yet, when I was there last week. I did take photos of the new Charepoints and I put them on Plugshare.
It seems the SS9- has better charge times than the SS9+ (or Rebelle), when the bikes are being used at higher speeds (going by Energica's own specs). The SS9+ takes double the charge time to go 40% farther than the SS9-, which doesn't seem all that great to me. But that 40% extra range is nice when really you do need it. Besides, you can always slow down enough to get perhaps triple the range on the SS9+, which is probably about double the range on the SS9- at the same large change in speeds.
By Energica's own specs, slowing down will have a MUCH larger effect on the SS9+ than it did on the SS9-.
BTW, when do you expect to get your Rebelle?
-Don- Reno, NV