Here is one with 50Amps:
This should give ~12kW at 240 VAC. I bought this one, but cannot test its full 12kW capacity on my Zero S obviously.
I just now purchased one form there also, yet it will probably be quite a while before I need one for 50 amps (12,000 watts). My Tesla Wall Connectors are good for 48 amps (11,520 watts).
TeslaTap 50 AMP - HIGH POWER TeslaTap 50 AMP - HIGH POWER 1 $189.95 $189.95
Sub-Total: $189.95
Priority Mail Express 2-Day: $39.55
Total: $229.50 I will soon own four Tesla Taps, but only this one is rated for 50 amps.
I can charge two bikes at the same time from it and easily get up to the 48 amp capacity.
I have my Energica set up so I can charge from 120 VAC as well as 240 VAC sockets as well as a Tesla Destination charger while on the road. I had to modify a granny cable to do all this and make it light and small to take with me.
One of these days they will make this stuff small for motorcycles but for now, I guess we have to modify our own to carry with us. I keep all my charging stuff in one side bag, so I can charge anywhere I can find AC (or DC CCS).
I don't feel too bad about this info. being in the LW section, because some LW owners may have a need for such as well.
-Don- Reno, NV