New member eyeing a US model 2020 SS9. I test rode a showroom model (old battery) over the weekend and liked it. Comfortable, decent but not great handling. Felt a little awkward at low speeds and heavy handling at higher speeds. I never checked but it almost felt like low tire pressure.
I like the looks and comfort of the SS9, but prefer the lower bars of the EVA107, although I have not ridden one and only sat on it at the show last year. I actually like the headlight on the EVA but I’m drawn to the Retro looks of the SS9 too. The other big issue is the lower power and torque on SS9.
Local dealer has an EGO, but it is a 2018 and just feels too stretched out for me. Although shorter range, the SS9 price right now is very appealing. I do have two other bikes, so this one would be for (shorter) weekend rides and for commuting...once commuting comes back.
So for you SS9 and EVA107 owners, why one over the other, and would you have made a different choice? I also wanted to confirm that both bikes have the same frame, geometry, suspension, and handling.