Sam, bless your heart, (southern saying) what will it take for you to rethink Lightning's ability to deliver these bikes? I mean all the specs and at the price they quoted?
Lightning aka Richard talked about making a 600cc type electric motorcycle back in like 2014. So they have been working on this for some time. They chose to announce that it was going to be launched in March of 2019. That was their choice, no one forced them.
They have to have test bikes with all the features and specs PROVEN so they know they can make the real bike with parts from whoever is going to make them and built by whoever is going to build them before you make an announcement that you are ready to take orders.
It's just basic common business sense.
If they hit parts delays they have to tell the public. If it makes them look bad and like they don't know what they are doing, too bad.
If they tell someone who ordered a Strike and put $10k down that it will be another 6 months or year added to the already year they have waited to get their bike, and the person says screw that give me my money back. That is what they have to do.
If Richard has to sell the LS218 that won Pike's Peak bike for $10k to someone to get the money then that is what has to happen.
People who aren't willing to throw themselves on the sword when things go wrong in business shouldn't be in business.
I saw there were other bikes in the showroom. They should pull every battery cell, controller, motor, or whatever else is needed to make a "customers" bike. If not, then Lightning is just a motorcycle racing hobby endeavor and should only offer those types of bikes to rich friends who want track toys and shouldn't claim to be a manufacturing company.
I don't want to bash Lightning or try to stop them from making motorcycles but a bird that walks like a duck swims like a duck and quacks like a duck is most likely a duck. Either they were betting too much on China saving them all this money and being able get them all the parts they needed fast and cheap or there was too much "hoping" that things would be all worked out later on.
As of now I'm trying to see what Damon can show me and if they can do better. We'll see. They may end up the same way.